Volunteers Needed
RDMIA member volunteers are the heart of the association. Community projects success, both new and ongoing, depend on the many members that volunteer their time and talent. More volunteers are always needed and there is a spot for each of you. And it’s a great opportunity to meet your neighbors too!
Please contact us at info@rdmia.org to support your community. Some examples of volunteer opportunities:
Do you like to garden and get some fresh air? Then helping to maintain the landscape maintenance at one of the many meridian locations and the roundabout including weeding and watering is the perfect volunteer contribution.

Keeping our beaches pristine not only makes a difference to the environment but gives each of us pride in ownership for the good fortune of living in Rio del Mar. Come and spend a Saturday morning and participate in beach cleanups co-sponsored by Save the Shores and RDMIA. Held numerous times throughout the year, this opportunity makes a huge community difference.
Sample Hidden Beach Cleanup Schedule:
2nd Saturday in March from 9 - 11 a.m.
3rd Saturday in April or Earth Day from 9 - 11 a.m.
2nd Saturday in May from 9 - 11 a.m.
July 5th - Day after Independence Day from 9 - 11 a.m.

Do you like to organize and plan events that would bring members together for important project planning or communications? Please contact the association to learn about ongoing efforts where your time and talent would be welcome!

Head up a committee to lead the way! You are invited to share new ideas that you think could be beneficial to RDMIA’s success towards community beautification, advocacy or outreach.